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Phone: (918) 923-4350

CPS Enrollment Center
101 West 11th Street
Claremore, OK 74017

8:00 AM - 4:00 PM


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Capacity Dashboard

Capacity is determined by the BOE (Real-Time Capacity Dashboard Below)

These capacity limits should be reviewed carefully prior to submitting an application for open transfer.
Scroll to see capacity at individual schools.

Transfer Application

Application Requirements:

  • Applications for the current year should list 2023 - 2024 as the school year.

  • Applications for the next school year should list 2024- 2025 as the school year.

  • The school district will begin accepting applications for the next school year starting June 1, 2024.

  • Applications will not be considered if incomplete. Make sure to include documentation of current grades, attendance, and disciplinary reports before the application is accepted. Ensure you have included an email on your application.

  • Applicants will be denied if the parent/guardian makes a fraudulent, intentional, or material misrepresentation on the application.

  • Applications must be submitted electronically through the OSDE website.

  • If assistance is needed, please contact the CPS Enrollment Center.

Important Dates:

School Year

Processing Begins

Notification of Status


July 1, 2023

Within 5 business days of receipt. The email will come from Claremore Transfers.


June 1, 2024

Note:  The review process will begin July 1 of the school year.

No later than August 1st for applications in the system.

Beginning August 1st, within 5 business days of receipt.

The email will come from Claremore Transfers.

Transfer Process


  • Families should carefully review the capacity limits above before applying for an open transfer. If there is no capacity, applications will be denied unless an exemption is applicable (active-duty military, etc. - see below).

  • Transfer applications will be reviewed in the order of the date/time they are received.

  • Applications can be submitted electronically through the OKSDE website

  • Denials due to capacity or available services may be placed on a waitlist if requested. 

  • Should openings become available, they will be offered to families based on the application submission date/time stamp.

  • Transfer applications for the following school year will open on June 1 of each year.

  • A review of all transfer applications will begin on July 1, prior to the upcoming school year.

  • Families will be notified of final decisions by August 1st.

  • Transfer applications received after the school year has started will be processed within 5 business days.

  • ALL transfer extensions will be reviewed by May 31 for yearly renewal.

Upon approval, open transfers can be revoked based on the allowable reasons:

  • Violation of a school regulation

  • Possession of an intoxicating beverage, low-point beer, as defined by Section 163.2 of Title 37 of the Oklahoma Statutes

  • Missing or stolen property if the property is reasonably suspected to have been taken from a student, a school employee, or the school during school activities

  • Possession of a dangerous weapon or a controlled dangerous substance while on or within two thousand (2,000) feet of public school property or at a school event, as defined in the Uniform Controlled Dangerous Substances Act

  • If any information submitted on the application is found to be false.  

Other Considerations:

  • Students with disabilities: Special education transfer rules have NOT changed as a result of the new transfer law. Before the approval of the transfer of a child on an individualized education program (IEP), a joint IEP conference must be conducted between the District of residence and the receiving District. The receiving District must establish the availability of the appropriate staff and services prior to approving the transfer.

  • Military dependent students: A student who applies for a transfer and whose parent/guardian is an active member of the military or a member of the military reserve on active duty cannot be denied a transfer because of capacity limitations.

    • At least one parent of the student has a Department of Defense issued identification card; AND

    • At least one parent can provide evidence that he or she will be on active-duty status or active-duty orders, meaning the parent will be temporarily transferred in compliance with official orders to another location in support of combat, contingency operation or a national disaster requiring the use of orders for more than thirty (30) consecutive days.

  • Students of CPS teachers: A child of a parent/legal guardian employed as a “teacher” in a district may transfer into that District regardless of capacity. Under the law, the definition of teacher includes teachers, nurses, librarians, counselors and administrators who are certified employees.

  • Students in foster care: Any student in foster care currently placed in the home of another student enrolled in a district may transfer to said District regardless of capacity. Additionally, students in foster care may complete any number of transfers in a given school year and are not subject to the two-transfer limit.

  • Claremore Virtual School (CVS): A transfer application for CVS may be considered IF the student attends at least one period per day in person. No student on an open transfer can attend full-time virtual school.

  • Siblings: Siblings from the same family must apply separately for a transfer and will be considered if the District has capacity in the grade level requested and there is no reason for denial as listed in item one above.

  • Dependent Schools:  A student choosing to attend CPS from a dependent school (i.e., Justus-Tiawah 9th-12th grades) may transfer to CPS regardless of capacity. 

  • CPS will not provide transportation.