CPSF - Claremore Public Schools Foundation - $10 for Teachers Here is a great way to welcome back our teachers... donate in honor of a teacher. All funds will go toward classroom grants that will directly impact CPS students! $10 + $10 + $10 + $10... before you know it, individual donations will add up and we'll have $100, $1000, or $10,000 to give out in teacher grants. Grants Fund: Classrooms | Library Books | Field Trips | Supplies | Labs | STEM | Literacy | Graphic Design | Art | Music Donate online on our website or mail checks to PO Box 575 - Claremore, OK 74018 "Enriching the quality of Claremore Public Schools Foundation education in the Claremore Public Schools" Donate or more info at https://claremorepublicschoolsfoundation.org/ This is a great way to show your #CPSZEBRAPRIDE
almost 2 years ago, CPS Communications
$10 for Teachers with pictures of students
3rd grade students started a research project in the Biography section in the library. Students studied their characters and collected props and costumes. The day of the Wax Museum the characters came to life as the students told about the life and accomplishments they collected in their research. #CPSZEBRAPRIDE
almost 2 years ago, Roosa Communications
3rd Grade Wax Museum
3rd Grade Wax Museum
3rd Grade Wax Museum
3rd Grade Wax Museum
In Miss Johnson’s PE class students run to improve their cardiovascular health. Short jogs or long runs will improve the contractions of the heart muscle per minute. The result is a healthy cardiovascular system. #CPSZEBRAPRIDE
almost 2 years ago, Roosa Communications
boy running on track
kids running on track field
kids playing on track
kids on track
3rd grade students started a research project in the Biography section in the library. Students studied their characters and collected props and costumes. The day of the Wax Museum the characters came to life as the students told about the life and accomplishments they collected in their research. #CPSZEBRAPRIDE
almost 2 years ago, Roosa Communications
3rd Grade Wax Museum
3rd Grade Wax Museum
3rd Grade Wax Museum
3rd Grade Wax Museum
We recently received our School Pride® donation from TTCU Federal Credit Union for the first half of 2022. Thank you for swiping your TTCU School Pride® debit card and giving back to our district! If you don't have one, get yours today and show your #CPSZEBRAPRIDE! #ttcuSchoolPride
almost 2 years ago, CPS Communications
TTCU school pride visa card
3rd grade students started a research project in the Biography section in the library. Students studied their characters and collected props and costumes. The day of the Wax Museum the characters came to life as the students told about the life and accomplishments they collected in their research. #CPSZEBRAPRIDE
almost 2 years ago, Roosa Communications
3rd Grade Wax Museum
3rd Grade Wax Museum
3rd Grade Wax Museum
3rd Grade Wax Museum
2nd graders have many lessons on the computer. They learn typing skills, parts of the computer and coding. Coding is a set of instructions created to communicate with computers. These 2nd graders were hard at work on a coding lesson. Excellent job Zebras! #CPSZEBRAPRIDE
almost 2 years ago, Roosa Communications
2nd Grade working on coding
2nd Grade working on coding
2nd Grade working on coding
2nd Grade working on coding
Pre K works on developmental milestones especially gross motor skills. Ms. Best’s AM & PM Pre K classes took a field trip to Gymnastic City in Claremore where they strengthened these skills. Gross Motor Skills including walking, running, jumping, climbing, balancing and strength. For information on Pre K enrollment visit the Enrollment Center website at: https://www.claremore.k12.ok.us/page/enrollment-center #CPSZEBRAPRIDE
almost 2 years ago, Roosa Communications
Ms. Best's Pre K classes
Pre K at Gymastic City
Pre K at Gymastic City
Pre K at Gymastic City
3rd grade students started a research project in the Biography section in the library. Students studied their characters and collected props and costumes. The day of the Wax Museum the characters came to life as the students told about the life and accomplishments they collected in their research. #CPSZEBRAPRIDE
almost 2 years ago, Roosa Communications
3rd Grade Wax Museum
3rd Grade Wax Museum
3rd Grade Wax Museum
3rd Grade Wax Museum
3rd grade students started a research project in the Biography section in the library. Students studied their characters and collected props and costumes. The day of the Wax Museum the characters came to life as the students told about the life and accomplishments they collected in their research. #CPSZEBRAPRIDE
almost 2 years ago, Roosa Communications
3rd Grade Wax Museum
3rd Grade Wax Museum
3rd Grade Wax Museum
3rd Grade Wax Museum
FREE SUMMER MEAL PROGRAM In conjunction with the USDA Seamless Summer Program, CPS Child Nutrition Department will continue FREE MEAL this Summer for students 18 & under. HOT MEALS are available Monday - Friday July 11 - Aug. 15 at Roosa & Catalayah Elementary. Breakfast is served from 7:30a - 8:30a. Lunch is served from 11:00a - 12:30p. Meals must be consumed on-site. Questions? Contact Child Nutrition at 918-923-4243 or jragland@claremore.k12.ok.us. Oder Grab & Go Meals here: https://forms.gle/2qdLhmtfNrCBUYzx5 #CPSZEBRAPRIDE
almost 2 years ago, Roosa Communications
Roosa loves our Cafeteria staff
Free Summer Meal Program
$150 IN CLOTHING ASSISTANCE FOR CHEROKEE KIDS Application Deadline: July 29, 2022 5pm CT. $150 in clothing assistance for every qualifying Cherokee child regardless of age, residency or income. Signup at https://gadugiportal.cherokee.org/s/clothes-for-kids Eligibility Requirements - Citizenship: Children must be a current Cherokee Nation citizen as of July 7, 2022. - Income: No income restrictions. - Age: Children must be under 19 years old, or under the age of 22 and currently enrolled in high school, as of the date of the application. - School: Children over the age of 18 must be enrolled in high school as of the date of application submission. - Children can be in public, private, virtual, or home care/school programs. - Residency: No residency restrictions. - If you have any questions regarding eligibility or submission, please call 918-453-5058 to be directed to Cherokee Nation staff assisting with questions.
almost 2 years ago, CPS Communications
Cherokee clothing program
Mrs. Dever’s 2nd grade class read the story Thundercake by Patricia Polacco. This book is about overcoming the fear of thunderstorms, the main character gathers ingredients for a special cake. Students in Mrs. Dever’s class enjoyed their own piece of Thunder cake. #CPSZEBRAPRIDE
almost 2 years ago, Roosa Communications
2nd grade enjoying Thunder Cake
2nd grade enjoying Thunder Cake
2nd Grade reading Thunder Cake
2nd Grade reading Thunder Cake
3rd grade students started a research project in the Biography section in the library. Students studied their characters and collected props and costumes. The day of the Wax Museum the characters came to life as the students told about the life and accomplishments they collected in their research. #CPSZEBRAPRIDE
almost 2 years ago, Roosa Communications
3rd Grade Wax Museum
3rd Grade Wax Museum
3rd Grade Wax Museum
3rd Grade Wax Museum
Kindergarten visited the Tulsa Zoo and ran into a few dinosaurs at the Zoorasic World exhibit! They traveled through the prehistoric jungle with 25 life-sized dinosaurs! For more information on this zoo exhibit visit: https://tulsazoo.org/zoo-events/roar/ #CPSZEBRAPRIDE
almost 2 years ago, Roosa Communications
Kindergarten at the Zoo
Kindergarten at the Zoo
Kindergarten at the Zoo
Kindergarten at the Zoo
🌞CPS Zebra Stripes 🌞Summer Camp Now Accepting Applications K - 5th Find out more > https://www.claremore.k12.ok.us/article/692277
almost 2 years ago, CPS Communications
CHEER added to the Summer Camps 📣 ZEBRA Cheer Mini Camp, July 20-22nd 📣 1st - 6th grade 📣 $45/camper (shirt included) Contact: Sara Eagleton Email: sara.eagleton@claremore.k12.ok.us or Info: https://5il.co/1d47j Registration: https://form.jotform.com/221727296601153 Other camps: https://www.claremore.k12.ok.us/page/summer-camps-programs (Wrestling & Soccer in July) #CPSZEBRAPRIDE
almost 2 years ago, CPS Communications
3rd grade students started a research project in the Biography section in the library. Students studied their characters and collected props and costumes. The day of the Wax Museum the characters came to life as the students told about the life and accomplishments they collected in their research. #CPSZEBRAPRIDE
almost 2 years ago, Roosa Communications
3rd Grade Wax Museum
3rd Grade Wax Museum
3rd Grade Wax Museum
3rd Grade Wax Museum
WRESTLING CAMP ADDED 🤼‍♂️ZEBRA Wrestling Camp, July 26 - 28th 🤼‍♂️8 yrs old or 2 years experience - 12th grade 🤼‍♂️$ 30/camper Contact: Zac Weber Email @ zweber@claremore.k12.ok.us or Call/Text @ 618-670-8807 More info: https://5il.co/1ct0e Other camps: https://www.claremore.k12.ok.us/page/summer-camps-programs #CPSZEBRAPRIDE
almost 2 years ago, CPS Communications
kid wrestlers
3rd grade students started a research project in the Biography section in the library. Students studied their characters and collected props and costumes. The day of the Wax Museum the characters came to life as the students told about the life and accomplishments they collected in their research. #CPSZEBRAPRIDE
almost 2 years ago, Roosa Communications
3rd Grade Wax Museum
3rd Grade Wax Museum
3rd Grade Wax Museum
3rd Grade Wax Museum