Headshot of Mrs. Camber

Lauren Camber is the 2024 Site Teacher of the Year for Claremont Elementary, where she teaches Kindergarten. 

Lauren Camber's story resonates deeply with the values of Claremont Public Schools and the broader educational community. Her journey from a young student inspired by her family's teaching legacy to Claremont Elementary's Teacher of the Year is a testament to her passion, dedication, and innovative approach to education. Lauren's narrative is not about her professional achievements but her commitment to creating a nurturing and inclusive learning environment for her students.

Her innovative teaching methods, including using social media to involve parents and emphasizing building a classroom culture rooted in empathy, showcase her understanding of the modern educational landscape and the importance of fostering a supportive student community. She understands the importance of adapting teaching styles to meet the diverse needs of her students, saying, "Teaching is a lot like cooking; there are many recipes and techniques, and everyone has different tastes."

Lauren's dedication extends beyond the classroom, as she advocates for neurodivergent awareness and invests her time in mentoring aspiring educators. Reflecting on her impact, Lauren notes, "Apart from my passion for teaching Pre-K, I love collaborating with my colleagues and inspiring new teachers...My goal for myself and my colleagues is to be a 'Marigold.'"

At the heart of Lauren's philosophy is a belief in the power of kindness, high expectations, and a growth mindset. She strives to be a "Marigold," enriching the educational environment for her students, colleagues, and the community. "Creating a classroom family built on love, understanding, and patience will lead to less negative behaviors and more students who want to be at school to learn," Lauren explains. Lauren's story is a beautiful blend of personal dedication and professional excellence, making her a beacon of inspiration for educators and students alike.

In celebrating Lauren Camber, we acknowledge her contributions to Claremont Elementary and recognize the profound impact a devoted teacher can have on shaping the future of education. Her journey reminds us of the difference one person can make in the lives of many, embodying the spirit of teaching with love, patience, and unwavering commitment.

teacher with students